Sunday, November 11, 2018

Being Black in America

Black Americans, what does it mean to be black in America? I’m a human being with various cultural & ethnic backgrounds & have been accused in the past of being ashamed of the pigment of my skin (though a lighter shade) by people of a darker hue than myself. I was accused of being ashamed of being black because I don’t prescribe to dressing “black,” speaking “black” or listening to “black” music (mostly rap). I never understood the mindset of black Americans who would claim I’m not black enough or ashamed of being black because I don't act “black.”

What does it mean to be black in America? To truly understand this question you have to go back in history when our African ancestors arrived to this country in chains, stripped from their life of freedom & forced into slavery, serving the white man & satiating his every whim. 

What took place as our ancestors were brought to this country by force? Our ancestors were forced to abandon their native tongue, to adopt a white name in place of their native name, to abandon their religion & forced into accepting Christianity by the white man & forced to assimilate into white culture. Thus, erasing what it truly means to be “black” in this alien & foreign country. What black Americans think it means to be “black” is actually an illusion, because our identity was stripped away from us as soon as our ancestors arrived in this country & replaced with a fusion of white mentality & a new assemblence of black identity. 

And so my brethren the next time you are accused of being ashamed of your culture or what you look like because you don’t act “ black” enough remember there is no such thing as being “black” in country. Whether black Americans realize it or not, were black people living in a alien country who have no true identity other than the one the white man has bestowed upon us so graciously. How many black Americans practice African traditions? To be “black” enough you have to be African enough, that’s where we originated from & that is where our native culture, language & traditions lie; not in soul food, rap music, baby mamas etc. that all is a byproduct of the white man. 


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